Mareigua developed FANAIA, a system created for the processing and payment of parafiscal and social security contributions. FANAIA possesses more than two decades of work and experience transforming the social security sector in Colombia.


A little more than 10 years ago, the colombian government performed a study of business competitiveness in Colombia and arrive at the conclusion that 65% of the time spent in administrative procedures was on the settlement and payment of social security.

To perform the settlement and payment of social security a company had to be up-to-date and understand the current legislation. Further, they had to perform manual calculations for each employee of its company (based on changes in salary and other factors). This process was recurrent, every month.

When the settlement was finished, and the payment time was due, each company had to fill out a form (sheet of paper) for each social security provider (healthcare, pension fund, assurance, among others) and they had to go to a nearest bank where each provider allowed payments to happen to finally perform the payment. Given the exclusivity of providers and banks working in partnership (you couldn’t go to any bank and pay), for one single employee, to pay for their social security, the company could go—and wait in line—to 5 banks.

The social security providers received the forms to complete all the internal consolidation and portfolio processes. But only a month after the payment, the funds were available to the social security providers. Quality of the service and operation were put at risk.

There was no process traceability—the government couldn’t monitor or control social security funds, threatening transparency in the use of these social security funds.


  • Negative impact in companies’ productivity
  • High costs of process
  • Evasion and fraud in the payment of social security
  • Lack of transparency in the flow of resources (from the payment at the bank to the availability of the funds for the social security providers)
  • Manual process (filling out paperwork, errand to the bank, performing calculations by hand)
  • Lack of options to perform the payment
  • Tool for environment sustainability by being a heavily-dependent paper process
  • Complex and cumbersome for self-employed workers and small companies


Enter the Planilla Integrada de Liquidación de Aportes (PILA), an integrated digital form to perform all social security payments of a company. In one platform, any company or self-employed worker can fill out its information for the settlement and payment of social security. No need to possesses the complex know-how or being up-to-date with social security legislation. The payment is all electronic and the back office of the system disburses the funds to each social security provider.

The providers have immediate access to the funds and receive the information, cleaned and organized, allowing them to be more efficient in the consolidation of internal procedures and portfolio. The problem of errors in the settlement of social security—because of hand-made calculations, flawed interpretations of the law, and default interest—is eliminated.

For employers or self-employed workers who don’t have access to internet or a bank account to perform the online payment, an option of a call center is available to perform the settlement through a phone (Planilla Asistida), a password is given for them to go to any bank or non-banking correspondents—12.000 locations in Colombia—and complete the payment.

The information about the funds is available to the government, allowing the necessary traceability, monitoring and control to guarantee the quality of the services and the transparency in the use of these funds.


  • Improvement in productivity for companies in Colombia
  • Significant reduction in costs
  • Transparency in the use of resources
  • Automated process
  • Reduction in the use of paper
  • Electronic process
  • Simplification of the process
  • Immediate access to resources


Today, more than 100.000 companies and 500.000 self-employed workers benefit with the use of the platform. Every month, FANAIA collects more than 1.6 billion COP per month (540 millions in USD) that comprises social security contributions of more than 7 million colombians.

Our platform has evolved and started to offer complementary services that allow for reduction in day-to-day procedures that afflict employers and self-employed workers, like the online contribution and payment of severance and private pension plans.

  • Aportes en Línea is the market leader with more than 40% of market share.
  • It offers employers, employees, and self-employeed workers a quick, easy, and relieable way to settled and pay for social security, serverance and private pension plans.
  • More than 1’940.000 workers pay for their severance plans through AEL.
  • We provide service to more than 120.000 employers and 600.000 self-employed workers.
  • Every month we perform more than 5’000.000 settlements and payments to workers.
  • More than 35.000 workers pay their private pension plans through AEL.
  • Up-to-date with the current social security legislation.
  • Multiple services channels.
  • Add-in tool.
  • Information validation.
  • Transparency and availability of data and resources.

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